What is Hypnotherapy,
and how can it help me?
Ev0-Life Hypnotherapy is a service that involves one of our trained psychotherapists gently and supportively facilitating the process of your reaching a focused and trance like state of attention and heightened state of internal awareness.
Hypnotherapy is a customized therapeutic approach that leverages this heightened state to promote positive changes in thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and personal outcomes.
We employ various techniques to address a range of issues, including stress management, anxiety, phobias, eating and body image, sports and professional performance, habit change and so much more. If it is bothering you, hypnotherapy can address it.
How does it work?
The subconscious mind is our strongest behavioral driver and predictor of future life outcomes.
No matter how much you think you want and understand your stated goal, if your subconscious mind has a different underlying motivation than your conscious mind, it will always sabotage your outcomes.
The biological intention of our subconscious mind is to keep us safe. For example, when we first learned to drive, we used our conscious mind to develop that skill. Then, down the line when faced with a threat on the road, our subconscious mind takes over to slam on the breaks and avoid a crash, without any conscious thought.
A newborn baby's brain is a blank canvas, primed for the installation of their subconscious drives and belief systems. In theory, this part of development will eventually render this individual ready and able to instinctively protect themselves from the perils of living. This subconscious mind of theirs will be a curation of the unique life experiences and verbal messages that they encountered along the way.
But here's where the problem comes in...
When negativity, trauma, and skewed realities strongly influenced the installation phase, your subconsious accidentally mapped the wrong protection strategies.
People who received toxic messages and/or bore witness to disturbing life events along the way have often developed a subconscious driver with "faulty wiring."
Hypnotherapy is a clinical intervention in which we speak directly to the troubled subconscious. We deconstruct the current problematic mental programming, re-install it with proper messaging, in effect providing a "mental do-over."
We build you a customized hypnotherapy script, that addresses in powerful detail, all the personal and unique elements relevant to your obtaining an improved state of mind, choices, and quality of life.
Who does it benefit?:
The very definition of hypnosis means "an openness to suggestion." So with that being said, hypnotherapy will benefit *anyone* who believes that it will be helpful for them. Almost any issue that people would like to improve in their lives can be addressed through hypnotherapy....
re food, weight loss, disordered eating, and/or body dysmorphia related goals:
Our practice regularly treat individuals who have difficulties with body image and disordered eating through traditional psychotherapy, lifestyle coaching, and hypnotherapy. Whereas hypnotherapy practitioners profess to help you achieve “weight loss” specifically, our personal philosophy across our treatment modalities, is to facilitate interventions that assist in releasing you from enslavement to food and body image preoccupation. In many cases, this results in weight loss as a secondary benefit...but weight loss is never our primary goal as that mindset works against our philosophy of how to obtain psychological wellness. Your level of willingness to approach your challenges from the perspective of "a desire to be freed from the preoccupation and obsessive thoughts about food and your body" will directly correlate with the level of effectiveness of the hypnotherapy intervention.
re individuals presenting for historical traumas and/or trauma symptom related goals:
Some hypnotherapy practitioners facilitate "trauma regression sessions," (usually intended to help someone remember details of their trauma that their psyche has possibly stored away.) However, due to the extreme sensitivity of the topic, the potential for unreliability of details and memories retrieved under hypnosis, and our reverence for the phenomenon that the psyche will reveal what it wants you to remember if and when you are ready for that information, Evo-Life Hypnotherapy does not ascribe to the practice of trauma regression therapy.
How many times do I have to come?:
Many of our clients report significant improvement in quality of life and/or mental shift after just one session. Other clients come more regularly to maintain the powerful benefit. In any case, we monitor how long your favorable outcomes last. If and when you are at the point that you feel the benefit has started to diminish, we can schedule a “booster session.“
What happens at my session?:
Your first session will be used to give you a more detailed overview of how hypnotherapy works, what to expect, “hypnosis myth-busting“, and an opportunity to answer any questions you may have that have not been covered, and then an in depth hypnosis session, working off of the customized script we created for you.
What happens next, after I schedule?:
Prior to your first session, you will fill out the "Create Your Treatment Plan" form, and working with you, and that information, we will create your customized script. The script will be ready when you come to your first session. Your session will last 1-1.5 hours.
Counseling, Coaching, Consulting
and Curated Wellness Services
Ballston Lake, New York
Contact our Director of Client Services Michelle Clark
for more information or
to discuss an intake
(518) 503-4613 OR