Coaching Overview
Whereas therapy focuses on optimizing psychological wellness and improving mental health symptoms...
coaching is a highly supportive and targeted approach to helping the client identify and establish their goals, develop specific objectives to carry them out, and overcome the obstacles along the way.
Coaching seeks to optimize performance for individuals who are grounded and focused to the degree that they can actively work on a specific goal that addresses a present-day scenario. An effective coach has the ability to use their own strong intuition and people engagement skills, along with focused and research-based interventions in order to help the client attain their stated goals, and improve their self perception and quality of life.
A good coach is fluent in the knowledge of their client's strengths, liabilities, personality, and learning style. The coaching process assists clients in yielding superior outcomes by revealing their personal attributes and other crucial data elements. Individuals who choose to work with coaches understand that leveraging professional perspective helps them to see the forest for the trees. Seeing yourself and your situation accurately is the rock solid foundation that success is built upon.
Current research reveals that it's not whether you share your goals and intentions with someone else that matters, it's who you share your goals with. Contracting your goals and intentions with someone you respect and consider an authority, yields higher levels of success.
(Klein, et. al 2020)
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Counseling, Coaching, Consulting
and Curated Wellness Services
Ballston Lake, New York
Contact our Director of Client Services Michelle Clark
for more information or
to discuss an intake
(518) 503-4613 OR