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S.T.A.T. : Special Tools and Tactics for Psychotherapy
$100.00 - $200.00
Friday September 22nd, 9AM-4PM IN PERSON Ballston Lake, NY, (address and logistics provided upon registration.) VIRTUAL VERSION likely available, customer interest dependent.
7 CE credits available for licensed social workers and mental health counselors.
**price includes generous full breakfast, lunch, snacks and beverages**
(gluten/dairy free options available, please notify us of any allergies.) PRIMARY GOAL: build proficiency and confidence as a practitioner. STAT is a collection of the presenters preferred concrete tools and strategies that respond effectively to the most dynamic and challenging practitioner/client scenarios. Using in depth case examples, interactive clinical formulation exercises, and a consultative discussion format, the curriculum is a deep dive into the overview and application of the tools and interventions. The curriculum will be linear, cohesive, and constructed to educate, but also built to engage, motivate, and inspire. This session is highly complementary to the *How to Not be a Bad Therapist* session. Anonymous questions and feedback can be submitted prior to the event in order to customize and inform your event experience.
7 CE credits available for licensed social workers and mental health counselors.
**price includes generous full breakfast, lunch, snacks and beverages**
(gluten/dairy free options available, please notify us of any allergies.) PRIMARY GOAL: build proficiency and confidence as a practitioner. STAT is a collection of the presenters preferred concrete tools and strategies that respond effectively to the most dynamic and challenging practitioner/client scenarios. Using in depth case examples, interactive clinical formulation exercises, and a consultative discussion format, the curriculum is a deep dive into the overview and application of the tools and interventions. The curriculum will be linear, cohesive, and constructed to educate, but also built to engage, motivate, and inspire. This session is highly complementary to the *How to Not be a Bad Therapist* session. Anonymous questions and feedback can be submitted prior to the event in order to customize and inform your event experience.
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